Today we do not have quality teachers. People may opine differently. But at this moment brightest students of our country never think of being teachers, because remunerations are not enough to lead decent life.
In past days we used to see the brightest students as teachers. Now they are going to be involved in private sector where payments are really competitive. Moreover, as appointment in Universities became politicalized, moralists and brilliants are becoming reluctant to comply with that mal practice. If we want to build up a great nation, there is no other alternative to have good teachers who can uphold ethics and values and can play role as role models for students.
In advanced countries, volunteering is very common. I know lot of retired teachers who are still capable to contribute a lot in education sector. What’s about retired professionals in other sector? They can contribute in education sector. I was amazed to see that in Australia, guardians’ are welcome to work as volunteer in schools. In our countries, lots of guardians wait outside the school gate whole day but they are not ever allowed to contribute; no matter whether they are qualified or not. Moreover, the way our half educated school teachers behave with the educated guardian that is really shocking. One of major criteria of getting admitted in Scholastica School, Dhaka is parents’ bank statement. Many so called renowned schools follow the same path.
It would not be wise to expect changes from education shops. Service Business is different from commodity business. Teachers are service providers, not sales men. So, we can expect from those who took teaching as their passion and working among mass people with a duty of care. It is time to utilize our retired wise and learned senior citizens and education system can be the prime sector to welcome their contribution as volunteer. I believe – lot of retired senior citizen will contribute with pleasure if they are valued and honored.
We need volunteers to build our nation. Our government is not wealthy one. We need volunteers in every sector. Our culture of volunteering should be encouraged and valued. Solid volunteering experience can be a criterion in job selection after completion of education.
Contribution of seniors and planed future for young can lead Bangladesh in making the best days for us.
Pls come up with valid solution and do something at your end...