I finished exactly a year in Adelaide, South Australia. If I want to analyse my position, I want to give me 5 out of 100.
It is not that I changed my plan. It is my plan and question of survival that forced me to change four jobs with in a year. I wish to be teacher here. But I was a corporate executive. I am getting jobs in companies, which doesn't go with me, but I have to do those for my survival.
Here one needs Bachelor of Education to be a teacher or Australian Ph.D. For those, I need time. It cannot be done within a year. But fortunately I got an entry in their education system as a volunteer. I work as a community mentor. I work as a mentor with school students to unleash their potential and to keep their dream for future alive and to provide them a career planning. I work on behalf of Department of education, South Australia. Good thing is that I received two free trainings and next week going to have another one, which are requirements to enter in Teaching/Mentor-ship.
Here earning money, making house, buying BMW are not impossible tasks. But to do a meaningful thing is tough, especially, coming from 3rd world country. They cannot judge our standards. As a nation we have a very bad image in outside world; poor and corrupt nation. It is really tough for them to believe - our institutions provide quality education. After one year, I just can say one thing, I managed to make some of them believe that I have a very good academic background and I got my degree recognized against Australian Standard. That's my only notable achievement in one year. Moreover, where I worked during this period, I made my colleagues and supervisors believe that Bangladeshis are sincere, well-disciplined and honest people. I tried to project a positive Bangladesh through my deeds and I shall keep on doing that throughout my life.
World is very beautiful and resourceful. Everyday I learn new things and I dream to implement those in my Bangladesh.
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