I am not raciest and I don’t wish to be. During my early days in Adelaide I was walking with a person who had come earlier. I asked him about Australian people. He said, “They are wonderful, but Dada, we are lucky that they do not have ‘Kalma’. So they don't have right for heaven.” I was surprised. Recently I found another Bangladeshi Muslim who uttered similar statement. I am shocked. Who asked these people to come this land with this type of mentality with an aim to pollute this foreign soil? If human being of world demand transportation of these people to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, is there anything wrong with that?
I came to know some Bangladeshi Hindu who tried with 'Indian Bengali Hindu' identity and later, they were kicked out from that association. Now they are trying to make another religious group with an aim to take social benefit from govt. in the name of social organization. If we make a list of these people and denied their access in Bangladesh in future and demand their transportation to India or Nepal, is there anything wrong with that?